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Thursday, December 10, 2009

What is a turkey world slam?

There are six different wild turkey species: the Eastern, the Merriam’s, the Rio Grande, the Osceola, the Goulds and the Oscellated. A grand slam consists of the Eastern, the Merriam’s, the Osceola and the Rio Grande. When you add a Gould’s to that, you have a royal slam, and when you add an Oscellated you have your world.

There is also the Canadian slam that consists of an Eastern and a Merriam’s harvested in Canada; and a Mexican slam that consists of a Rio Grande, an Oscellated and a Goulds all harvested in Mexico.

If you click here you will be taken to the National Wild Turkey Federation website, and you will see a full map detailing where each species of turkey can be found. As well you can see where there are now know hybrid (a mix of the different sub-species) populations.

Scroll down the page to see all six of my world slam turkeys!

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