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Friday, December 18, 2009

The Trials and Tribulations of an Outdoor Dad!

My favourite part of hunting is the people, spending time with individuals who have not forgotten what matters most and our family is no exception. When we go hunting we have a blast, we spend hours in the woods enjoying life’s simple pleasures and each other.

My sister is growing up very quickly and has now started accompanying us jump shooting. Her first duck she shot was a teal and we do not have a dog, she shot it on the water and it was about 40 yards from shore. My father hauled out his trusty “floating jigger” which consists of a chunk of wood and some grappling hooks. Unfortunately the jigger was not going to work, there were too many obstacles. My sister and I decided we would make dad a bridge to go out and retrieve our ducks.

It was mid October, the water was getting cold, and the air was no better. With lots of dead wood piled up, our father began his journey to where the ducks were. The bridge did not hold up and dad’s boots ended up filling with water. He got the ducks, and continued to guide us for the rest of the day with wet boots. All I can say is how many dads would do that for their kids? I know ours always will.

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