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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Brotherhood of The Travelling Duck!

Fowl Play Outdoors is going to be connecting waterfowl hunters this season through a duck decoy. The decoy will circulate amongst waterfowl hunters for one season; each person will take the duck hunting with them for one day and then pass it along to the next person. While hunting with the duck, take lots of pictures, and before you send it to the next person be sure to sign it. Fowl Play Outdoors will be tracking the duck on their website, so be sure to send in your photos as soon as possible.

They are also looking for some help naming the duck.

To sign up and be a part of the traveling decoy e-mail Chris Chalfant at

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Brook Trout: A Little Fish, A Lot of Fun!

With turkey season over and my next hunting trip not planned until Whitetails open up in South Carolina, it is time to focus on fishing. I have been going after the crappies right here at home, but the time came for my annual trip to Newfoundland to visit my grandmother.

Newfoundland is covered in small ponds over flowing with brook trout. With nothing more than a worm, a hook, a bobber and a small rod a reel combo, you can land fish after fish all morning. This may be a small fish but when that bobber goes down, it is a whole lot of fun.
